Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome 2012

First day working in the year 2012. I arrived late though, ha ha, ye lah, kita masih maintain momentum sebelum new year, ingat boleh bangun lambat sikit sebab jalan clear, ha ha, tak sedar diri, tengok tengok, jalan dah macam biasa, tu dia, punch pukul 8.37...tak pe, esok bangun awai sikit lah.

The day went on well...kerja, gangguan, kerja, baca blog sat, kerja, kerja, kerja, kerja....tapi tak habis habis juga.

Yang seronoknya, I was able to have lunch with cikM...kawan lama saya. Sambil makan, sambil sembang...macam-macam yang disembangkan, termasuklah tentang tahun lepas.

Hmmm, what have I achieved last year?

Alhamdulillah, rasanya tahun lepas, I have learnt a lot and I consider that as an achievement, something that made me feel good, yeah, I feel good (tahu tak lagu ni). I have passed the hurdles and is now is going strong. Insya allah, I will maintain/improve the momentum.

I overcome my fear. Believe it or not, I am a shy girl (dah 42 tahun pun girl lagi?) with no self confidence. Ha ha, believe it or not, I have chaired meetings, done presentations (kat Hong Kong lagi)...ha ha, though not perfect, I have done it! Congratulations Cik Bib.

Apa lagi..I overcome/solved many problems be it about work or family. Thanks to hubby, I learn to become more open, forgiving, understanding. Hubby also has taught me not to evaluate others so much  and accept people as what they are. He has also taught me to look at things from a different angle, try to look at things from the funny side, be more patient and accept fate and thankful and jangan sesekali tamak. He has also taught me to appreciate my family more and to always allocate time to be together, no matter how busy you are.

I do not mean to bore you guys but there were times when I used to rush. Pergi rumah sedara mara, asyik nak cepat balik, tak menyempat aja, sekarang...saya belajar untuk menyediakan masa, it has become my priority.

What else, another thing, I learn to handle stress better..insya allah, rasanya perkara ini very effective sebab I had less headaches. Apa rahsianya : berdoa...itu aja...and yakin.

Huhhh, perkara yang tidak baik pulak? ha ha ha, I have a balanced life kan, so dua-dua pun adalah. Nombor satu, kurang exercise..aduhhhhhh

Nombor dua, saya tidak berjaya untuk mendidik....^&^&%%....I am supposed to bring these people closer, instead, they are drifting further apart from me especially.  I discovered that I am not a good autie...so, I better stop being an auntie, after thinking about it I decided to become zombie, if things just becoming too bad, I willlll ...let me get back to you on this since I am not sure what a zombie does when they become stressed out

Nombor tiga : saya suka tidur balik lepas subuh lately (waktu cuti la). Habit ni sangat buruk, yang ni akan masuk dalam azam tahun baru saya. anddd, yang ni is a bad habit I learned from hubby...ha ha ha..salahkan orang lain.

Moving forward : I want to feel life and enjoy it. I want to stop worrying and be positive. I want to be confident but never intimidating. Semoga saya sentiasa di bawah peliharaan Allah and di bawah petunjuknya. Semoga dipermudahkan semua urusan kita semua, semoga dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik, dipanjang kan umur, dimurahkan rezeki..welcome 2012!

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