Wednesday, April 25, 2012

25 April 2012 : Another Course

I was feeling drowsy this morning, feeling like I want to puke. I was having difficulty to drive...rasa yuck yuck.

Anyway, I arrived at around 8.00 and found out that the driver who is suppose to send me for my one day course at PWTC was already, tak sempat naik office dah, terus masuk kereta and off we go.

Arrived at PWTC, registered and the organizer informed us that there are drinks for us in another room. Since I was hungry and feeling drowsy, I was hoping for some food served, unfortunately, there's none, only coffee and tea...adoiii.

The opening ceremony started at nine..ended at 10. Finally food was served. Legaaa...I ate, and was feeling better. I can feel the wind (angin??) came out slowly after I consumed food. But I was feeling so tired. The course was a very interesting one, but I could not focus 100 percent..50% aja. I was sleepy.

Anyway, I made it until lunch. Lunch was served at Riverview Restaurant. After lunch, I tried to take a short nap so that I will be able to keep my eyes open, but failed. As a result, I slept almost half of the next session...isk....betullah. Dalam I tengah tersengguk tu, Nik yang duduk sebelah I tu dok bisik..mengantuk ke...ha ha ha...terus bangun sat...lepas tu tidur balik.

Adoiiii...rugi betul lah. Tapi ye lah, dah rezekinya macam itu kan. Waktu balik pulak, tiba tiba I was informed that there's no driver to fetch me. Lagi sekali lah adoiiiii....hmmm, tak pe, do not let that spoil your day, I decided to walk to the mall and took a cab to KL Sentral from there.

Believe it or not, I was enjoying my walk from PWTC to the mall, rasa macam teringin aja nak singgah lepak kat situ...hiksss...

Tapi mana boleh kan, so, I took the cab. The driver was this one young Indian guy, baik pulak dia ni, macam lembut aja...hensem jugak sikit sikit, he he....

Sampai office, jumpa SHS dan dia cerita fasal what happened at JPCs meeting...hmmmmmm...bila dalam kereta, Cik Z sambung lagi cerita fasal JPC...saya rasa saya perlu berterima kasihlah dengan SHS dan NH esok, they have really helped me a lot.

Sampai rumah, rasa nak pengsan...terus baring, pastu g dinner, balik mandi dan sekarang tengah update blog...

berakhirlah satu lagi hari saya...semoga hari esok adalah hari yang lebih baik untuk saya, suami saya, keluarga saya, officer saya, division saya, organisasi saya dan semua orang juga...