Monday, January 12, 2015

First School Day - 2015

Hah..I am writing.

I had a conversation with Tokbomo last night. I asked him whether it is still relevant for me to write, and he said "yes".

He even said that, if I do not continue, I will regret it later. He said "just write, even if it is only one line"



Anyway, I have chosen the above title because it is the first school day for year 2015. Of course I do not have any children but I will be very much affected because the flow of the traffic will be bad and I just have to go out earlier.

This morning, I managed to go out before 7.00 am and believe it or not, Shah Alam was already busy. Once I entered the Federal Highway, it was also very busy...but alhamdulillah, I managed to arrive at 7.45 am. Something of which, I would like to maintain, insyaa allah. one of my many-many wassup group, the mothers are making a lot of noise! Most of them are complaining that their children only started packing last night and they are supposed to register this morning.

Haaa...semua benda pun hilang/tinggal lah macam tu. Yang menjerit hilang tali pinggang, yang tertinggal kad asrama, macam macam. Semua ibu-ibu stress...semoga Allah permudahkan urusan mereka, dan dikurniakan mereka kesabaran. Insyaa allah, akan ada balasan baik menanti nanti.


And....I want to try to reduce my addiction to candy crush. Yeah, tokbomo has not complained yet but I really would like to do something about it. It's better for me to read kan?

Saya baca dalam Harian Metro semalam macam mana ada pasangan yang sampai bercerai sebab hubby asyik main game/judi online. Yang couple lagi satu ni pulak, isteri langsung lambat buat kerja rumah sebab asyik main game...

Boleh juga main game ni bila stress ke, atau bila menunggu ke...but choose your time lah kan.


Ok, itu aja...have a productive days ahead.

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