Monday, April 25, 2011

Hari ini...

On my way to work, I received a call from my nephew Iftikhar...yeow, Cikbib, saya nak pergi rumah cikbib nih, saya baru naik teksi dari LCCT...

Huh??? rumah I dah macam kapal karam pulak tuh...budak ni la....luckily hubby was still around, therefore I asked him to leave the house key somewhere so that Iyal can get in.

Hmm, due to that, I have not got the chance to cilok so much, ye la, nak drive lagi, nak hantar msg lg, nak call lagi. Called Diah just incase hubby do not answer my call. Forward house address, bla bla bla, nasib baik memang terlatih untuk multi tasking,hmm

Once I reached office, I discovered that my boss is on leave, another deputy is on leave, one senior officer of mine is on leave...mak aiii...saya pun terus berdoa semoga dipermudahkan semua urusan hari ini...sebab segala-galanya perlu di hadapi sendirian.

Since semalam saya menangis tahap gaban, and the after effect was, my eyes are really tired the whole day. I looked forward for a short nap during lunch but has decided to join a friend to visit another friend at, there goes my nap.

A friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer recently, she was devastated and still is. Semoga dia akan cepat sembuh dan dipermudahkan segala urusan, insya allah, amiiin. But her husband was always there to support her...itu pun rezeki juga kan!

I received a call while I was in Tawakkal, the Division's PA informed me that I may need to attend this brief on ...apa ntah, lupa. During the brief, I received another call from the Division's PA...yup, I was suppose to  see this company, dah sampai dah kat tingkat 6,...haaaa, lupa la pulak...sooo...terpaksa tinggalkan brief and met the co....ha ha ha..teruk betul semua perancangan saya hari ni.

Balik rumah, saya terus berkemas sedikit, mandi, solat dan pergi dinner. Called Iftikhar, nak ajak dinner, tapi ada pompuan sudah jawap telephone laa....hmmmm, ye la kan, se tengok status facebook dia kan, 'in a relationship', that must be his marka la. So...I just asked the girl to let Iyal know that I am not preparing dinner and he has got to buy his own...biasa la, makcik rock memang camtu. Nasib baik la semua anak saudara saya penyabar orang nya.

Bila balik, I was so excited to watch Awan Dania, tapi letak je kepala, tu dia, out of this world la teman, lelap. Letihnya mataaaa...tu la, menangis lagi kan. Bila Iyal sampai, mata pun terbuka, dan atas rasa tanggungjawab kerana melihat agak ramai yang melawat blog ni, saya pun meletakkan post yang tidak seberapa ini. 

Have a productive week everyone. Semoga kita dapat menyintai kerja yang kita ada dan appreciate semua sahabat di sekeliling kita. To be happy is to be able to do something we love with our loved ones (got this from the film 'Night at the Museum II', hikss).GNITE.

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