Sunday, April 16, 2017

Welcome Muhammad Aqief Idris


This is a special post for the latest addition to the family, Muhammad Aqief Idris bin Muhammad Hazim.

The father, Ajim is my nephew who got married in August last year. Since I am in KK, I seldom met them but I have been following Ajim's facebook for updates on Camey's. I have also met them last year, when orang Ipoh came and their children who live in Kl came to visit us in Shah Alam.

On 7 April 2017, I received a message from my sister in Ipoh informing me on her concern on Camey's condition. 

Apparently the baby is growing but the mother's size is not (forgive me for not being able to put this into proper sentence ya).

That is where everything started. Being the noisy one, I asked everybody to pray for Camey and the baby. We were informed that Camey was supposed to go for operation (cesarean) at 9.00 pm on Friday, 7 April 2017 and Ajim has forwarded a photo of them getting themselves prepared.

When I looked at this picture I was like..."dah nak jadi ayah dah Ajim ni".

I went to bed early that night, and when I woke up at around 12.00 am, I received the news that Camey has given birth to a baby boy at around 12.05 am, 8 April 2017. Both mother and baby are safe and well, alhamdulillah.

Ajim posted this photo.....welcome to the world baby boy

Orang Ipoh went to to visit the next day..

My kakak and her 4th grandson. 

and on 12 April, I received another photo of the baby....

This time, he's smiling and he was named : Muhammad Aqief Idris.

Welcome to the world Aqief, Welcome to the family. 

Semoga Aqief akan menceriakan kedua ibubapanya, juga membesar menjadi hamba allah yang soleh, yang menyenangkan hati ibu bapanya. 

Buat Ajim dan Camey, semoga dipermudahkan semua urusan untuk menjadi ibu dan bapa Aqief. Semoga semua pengalaman akan menjadikan kita sebagai individu/hamba allah yang lebih baik.

Saya tahu juga ada anak-anak saudara saya yang juga sedang mengharap untuk mendapatkan cahaya mata. Insyaa allah, rezeki pasti akan datang pada masa yang tepat, teruskan usaha dan doa!

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